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The Petroglyph National Monument was designated to help preserve one of North America’s largest petroglyph sites. The Monument features symbols and designs carved into volcanic rocks by Spanish settlers and Native Americans several hundred years ago.
Petroglyphs are carvings in rocks created by etching onto the surface of a rock with a hammer-stone and a stone chisel. When the surface of the rock was etched off, the lighter layer of the rock underneath was exposed, creating a petroglyph. It is estimated that there may be tens of thousands of petroglyph images along the monument boundary.
The Petroglyph National Monument offers multiple hiking trails for viewing the historical petroglyphs. The monument trails range from easy to moderate. Trail guides are available at the visitor center near the entrance for each trail system.
The Petroglyph National Monument's visitor center is located on Albuquerque's westside. From I-40 & Unser Blvd., take Exit #154 and head north three miles to Western Trail. Turn west onto Western Trail and proceed to the visitor center.
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