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S.A.D. 228

The Special Assessment District (S.A.D.) in Volcano Cliffs, Albuquerque, was established to fund infrastructure improvements in the area, including roads, water, sewer, and storm drainage.  This district was necessary due to the lack of municipal utilities and paved roads in many parts of Volcano Cliffs, which historically consisted of large undeveloped tracts.

Road in Volcano Cliffs

What is a Special Assessment?

A special assessment is a fee imposed by a local government or municipality on property owners to fund specific public improvements, such as roads, sewer systems, or sidewalks.  Unlike regular property taxes, which fund general services, special assessments are charged only to properties that directly benefit from the improvements.  These costs are typically spread over multiple years and paid through property tax bills.

Road in Volcano Cliffs

What is a Special Assessment?

A special assessment is a fee imposed by a local government or municipality on property owners to fund specific public improvements, such as roads, sewer systems, or sidewalks.

Unlike regular property taxes, which fund general services, special assessments are charged only to properties that directly benefit from the improvements.  These costs are typically spread over multiple years and paid through property tax bills.

Cost and Financial Obligations

The cost for S.A.D. was $55,000, and property owners within the district are responsible for repaying this amount through assessments attached to their parcels.  These payments are typically made over time through property tax bills.  Property buyers should carefully review these financial obligations before purchasing land in the area.

Construction Timeline and Permit Availability

Construction of S.A.D. 228 was completed at the end of May 2014.  Following the completion of the infrastructure work, building permits became available for application starting in June 2014.

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Areas Included in S.A.D. 228

Special Assessment District 228 (S.A.D. 228) applies to multiple units within the Volcano Cliffs Subdivision.  These include:

  • Unit 14
  • Unit 18
  • Unit 19
  • Unit 22
  • Unit 25
  • Unit 26
  • Unit 27

Impact on Property Owners and Development

While these infrastructure improvements have enhanced accessibility and utility services, they have also increased costs for landowners.  Despite the financial burden, the long-term benefits include improved property value and better suitability for residential and commercial development.

If you’re considering buying property in Volcano Cliffs, reviewing the assessment details and payment structure can help you make an informed decision.

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